From time to time, the BCS Dispute Resolution Research, Education & Training Institute will display book titles that we believe are helpful and valuable to the theory and practice of both professional mediation and professional negotiation.
The titles we list are not comprehensive but they might be helpful in your own practice. Our aim is to alert you to them. If you have used books in your work that you thought were helpful, please contact us with the reference at
You can find and purchase these texts at
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution, Daniel Dana, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Everything is Workable, Diane Musho Hamilton, Shambhala, 2013.
Conflict Resolution at Work for Dummies, Vivian Scott, For Dummies, 2009.
The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution, Dudley Weeks, Tarcher, 1994.
The Anatomy of Peace, Arbinger Institute, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2008.
The Conflict Resolution Toolbox, Gary Furlong, Wiley, 2005.
Everybody Wins: The Chapman Guide, Gary Chapman, Tyndale, 2006.
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution, Morton Deutsch, Jossey-Bass, 2006.
Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions, Allan Barsky, Cengage, 2006.
Conflict Resolution: Theory, Research, and Practice, James Schellenberg, State University of New York Press, 1996.
The Mediator’s Handbook, Jennifer Beer, New Society Publishers, 2012.
Basic Skills for the New Mediator, Allan Goodman, Solomon Publications, 2004.
The Mediation Process, Christopher Moore, Jossey-Bass, 2003.
How to Mediate Like A Pro, Mary Greenwood, iUniverse, Inc., 2008.
Mediation Ethics, Ellen Waldman, Jossey-Bass, 2011.
Mediation: The Roles of Advocate and Neutral, Dwight Golann, Aspen Publishers, 2010.
The Promise of Mediation: The Transformative Approach, Robert Baruch Bush, Jossey-Bass, 2004.
Success as a Mediator for Dummies, Victoria Pynchon, For Dummies, 2012.
Mediation: Skills and Techniques, Michael Colatrella, LexisNexis, 2008.
Making Mediation Your Day Job, Tammy Lenski, iUniverse Star, 2009.
Getting to Yes, Roger Fisher et al, Penguin, 2011.
Negotiation, Roger Wheeler, Harvard Business School, 2003.
Negotiation, Roy Lewicki, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009.
Bargaining for Advantage, Richard Shell, Penguin, 2006.
Negotiation Genius, Deepak Molhotra, Bantam, 2008.
Secrets of Power Negotiating, Roger Dawson, Career Press, 2010.
Negotiation Boot Camp, Ed Brodow, Crown Business, 2006.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement, Roger Ury, Penguin, 2011.
Crucial Conversations, Kerry Patterson, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
3-d Negotiation, David Lax, Harvard Business Review Press, 2006.